Advanced Silicone Weather Resistant Sealant YG-001B

Advanced silicone weather-resistant sealant YG-001B is a neutral curing silicone weather-proof sealing with one-component high movement capacity(+100/-50%). It is designed and tested for high-rise curtain wall joints with complex substrates and finishes, including glass, glass coatings, polycarbonate, vinyl, plastics, ceramic frits, fluoropolymer and powder-coated paints, conversion coatings, and anodized aluminum.

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Typical Properties

Typical Properties Unit Standard Result Test Method
Slump mm ≤3 0 GB/T 14683
Extrusion rate ml/min ≥150 413 GB/T 13477
Tack free time h ≤3 0.8 GB/T 14683
Extension recovery % ≥80 92 GB/T 14683
Weight loss % ≤8 4.2 GB/T 13477
Modulus at 23℃ MPa >0.4 0.6 GB/T 13477
Movement capability % ±35 ±35 GB/T 13477
Adhesion at fixed stretch
Adhesion after heat contract and cold extension Non-destructive GB/T 13477
Adhesion after UV-water exposure Non-destructive JC/T 485

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